Fund Portal

BURO Bangladesh

Microfinance for Macro Happiness


Issue AreaHealth

Tax benefit eligibilityAU

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Our Mission

An independent, sustainable, cost-effective microfinance institute that provides diverse appropriate and market-responsive quality financial and business development services at competitive prices along with other development programs to very poor, poor, and vulnerable non-poor customers.

The Need

BURO Bangladesh focuses on addressing critical challenges in WaSH, health, and livelihood sectors. These challenges include limited access to safe water, poor sanitation and hygiene practices, inadequate healthcare services, and a lack of economic opportunities for vulnerable communities.

The Solution

BURO is committed to improving the living conditions of marginalized communities in Bangladesh by providing livelihood opportunities, promoting health awareness, and offering WaSH loans with WaSH awareness.

Our Impact

BURO has reached over 430,000 members with WaSH awareness sessions and almost 90% of these members sought financial assistance from BURO to improve their family hygiene. More than half a million rural population has received health education sessions through basic health education programs.

Bangladesh being a low-lying delta, is widely recognized as highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, particularly sea-level rise and changes in runoff. The unique geographic position makes the populations increasingly vulnerable to a growing risk of pollution, coastal floods, wetland loss, shoreline retreat, and loss of infrastructure. Economic growth has pulled millions out of poverty in the last 10 years. Still, the majority of people in the Delta live below the poverty line and are increasingly vulnerable. Quality healthcare and livelihood are still a big burden on the majority of the Bangladeshi population. Out-of-pocket health expenditure is reaching beyond day by day due to various contributors. BURO has deployed its resources for the betterment of the marginalized population of Bangladesh. Driven by the aim of social inclusion and empowerment, BURO has been working for the last 31 years in every district of Bangladesh with the most motivated and accountable group of staff. To ensure better health, livelihood, and food security, BURO can make more impact with your support. Your contribution will reach the neediest through BURO Bangladesh’s dedicated efforts and can change the life of millions.

About this Organization

Issue AreaHealth

About Myriad Australia

Myriad Australia (previously known as Give2Asia Australia) is a trusted partner for international philanthropy and the leader in donor-advised giving to the Asia-Pacific. Our mission is to strengthen communities around the world by making cross-border giving easier and more effective.

Myriad Australia leverages the strengths of Myriad, the Alliance for borderless giving, and its members to improve the lives of people around the world.

Tax Benefit Eligibility

Gift acknowledgments and tax receipts can only be issued by Myriad Australia Limited. Donations cannot be refunded once an acknowledgment has been issued. If you have any questions, contact us before making your donation.