Fund Portal

Christ's Hospital Foundation

The UK's largest educational bursary charity, alleviating poverty through supporting over 650 young people from low income and disadvantaged backgrounds each year.


Issue AreaEducation

Tax benefit eligibilityAU

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Our Mission

Our mission is to challenge inequality by providing a nurturing, transformative education for young people affected by poverty and social disadvantage.

The Need

4.2 million children in the UK live in poverty and countless others face challenging home situations that can lead to disrupted education. As a result, too many young people face barriers in their development and do not reach their potential.

The Solution

Means-tested bursaries covering boarding, education and other costs. Comprehensive pastoral and mental health programme. Skills development including Expeditionary Education and Model United Nations. All supported through Governorships/student sponsorship, programme donations, and endowment gifts.

Our Impact

Over 67,000 young people's lives have been transformed over 470+ years. Outstanding upward social mobility is enabled: 98% of students progress to university; alumni go on to earn three times the household income of their parents and many take roles in society which help to shape tomorrow’s world.

About this Organization

Issue AreaEducation

About Myriad Australia

Myriad Australia (previously known as Give2Asia Australia) is a trusted partner for international philanthropy and the leader in donor-advised giving to the Asia-Pacific. Our mission is to strengthen communities around the world by making cross-border giving easier and more effective.

Myriad Australia leverages the strengths of Myriad, the Alliance for borderless giving, and its members to improve the lives of people around the world.

Tax Benefit Eligibility

Gift acknowledgments and tax receipts can only be issued by Myriad Australia Limited. Donations cannot be refunded once an acknowledgment has been issued. If you have any questions, contact us before making your donation.