Your gift will benefit Henan Flood Relief (Chinese).
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Your gift will benefit Henan Flood Relief (Chinese).
Support local flood relief efforts in Henan Province
Issue AreaDisaster
Tax benefit eligibilityAU
Amount NeededGeneral Support Needed
This campaign is now closed. Please consider donating to the China Flood Relief 2023 Fund.
自7月16日开始,河南省出现历史罕见的持续性强降水天气过程。此次罕见的强降雨造成河南89个县(市、区)560个乡镇1,240,737人受灾。全省各地市均出现暴雨,北中部出现大暴雨特大暴雨。尤其是郑州、焦作、新乡、平顶山等部分地区,大暴雨导致洪水泛滥, 山体滑坡,断水断电,通讯、交通中断。 截止目前,极值暴雨已致25人死亡、多人失联。全省已紧急避险转移16,325人,紧急转移安置164,710人。
Photo credit: China News Service
Myriad Australia (previously known as Give2Asia Australia) is a trusted partner for international philanthropy and the leader in donor-advised giving to the Asia-Pacific. Our mission is to strengthen communities around the world by making cross-border giving easier and more effective.
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