Fund Portal

Econusa Foundation

Econusa is aiming to promote sustainable and equitable management of natural resources


Issue AreaLivelihood

Tax benefit eligibilityAU

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Our Mission

EcoNusa Foundation supports local community livelihood and resilience in Eastern Indonesia, especially in Maluku and Papua. EcoNusa’s work focuses on community and Indigenous empowerment and the establishment of livelihoods through the fair and sustainable management of natural resources.

The Need

Maluku and Papua - although blessed with extraordinary cultural & natural resources - are the poorest provinces in Indonesia with some of the worst infant mortality and literacy rates in Asia. They are remote communities and their livelihoods & ecosystems are threatened by destructive development.

The Solution

EcoNusa Foundation facilitates an alternative narrative of economic development that preserves local autonomy by delivering innovative on-ground programs to increase the capacity of Indigenous people and the establishment of community-led sustainable livelihoods.

Our Impact

In 2020 the impact included $US5 million of direct project funding to deliver policy advocacy, capacity development for Indigenous and other local organizations & supporting community commodity cooperatives. Econusa works closely with government leaders and civil society to deliver impact.

EcoNusa was established in 2017.  Since then, we have designed a work program that includes policy advocacy and strategic cooperation, capacity development and the resilience of Indigenous people, a movement to support sustainable ocean management, and strategic communication support for Eastern Indonesia.

EcoXplorer, a boat delivering development to poor coastal communities in Indonesian Papua and Maluku.

Please help Econusa deliver hope to marginalized coastal communities in some of the most remote places of Papua and Maluku. EcoXplorer is a multi-function, traditionally designed boat that will underwrite the pathway to poverty alleviation by providing access to education for communities and market access for their products, including commodities and eco-tourism.

Living in some of the most remote coastal locations on the globe, many of these communities do not have inter-connectivity with the outside world, with transport options limited or non-existent. The EcoXplorer will provide that connection.

EcoXplorer will deliver education programs – particularly to young people – to increase community capacity and support communities to become self-sufficient, as well as access to markets to allow them to expand their subsistence farming into tradeable goods. The ship will transport cargo to the nearest ports, facilitating commodity trading and local ecotourism.

The boat is a traditional Phinisi Boat and was donated to Econusa. Econusa is raising funds to have it rebuilt by a traditional boat building team in South Sulawesi. Our vision is for a fully equipped multi-functional boat that can deliver education programs, transport social researchers and community workers, bring basic services to remote communities and cargo capacity to transport local products to the nearest commercial port.

Why donate? Because EcoXplorer will:

  • Bring economic empowerment to marginalized indigenous communities isolated from the wider world
  • Deliver education and capacity building for young people and community leaders
  • Bring basic services to remote communities
  • Facilitate local ecotourism development
  • Mobilise communities’ human resources

EcoXplorer will address poverty and underdevelopment for indigenous peoples living in the remote coastal areas of eastern Indonesia. It will serve as a local commodity transporter, ecotourism supporter, research and education provider while conserving traditional ways of life, forests and oceans.

About this Organization

Issue AreaLivelihood

About Myriad Australia

Myriad Australia (previously known as Give2Asia Australia) is a trusted partner for international philanthropy and the leader in donor-advised giving to the Asia-Pacific. Our mission is to strengthen communities around the world by making cross-border giving easier and more effective.

Myriad Australia leverages the strengths of Myriad, the Alliance for borderless giving, and its members to improve the lives of people around the world.

Tax Benefit Eligibility

Gift acknowledgments and tax receipts can only be issued by Myriad Australia Limited. Donations cannot be refunded once an acknowledgment has been issued. If you have any questions, contact us before making your donation.